15 Single-Serving Desserts for When You Just Need a Lil Treat

To the people who tell me they don’t have much of a sweet tooth or even (gasp!) “don’t like” desserts, I say: How??? In my world, desserts are their own food group, an important part of maintaining a well-balanced diet. The way I see it, you simply can’t deprive yourself of something our brains were literally hardwired to enjoy. That’s on biology.

But that being said, I don’t always have a pan of fudge brownies or cheesecake bars lying around the house. Sometimes, whipping up a whole batch of something just sounds like too much work and you require a sweet treat stat. I feel that. So in the spirit of not skipping dessert, I compiled some of the best single-serving dessert recipes I could find. Bookmark this for when those late-night cravings kick in and you just need a little something sweet to cap off your day.


1. Guilt-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough for One


2. Cinnamon Roll for One


3. Rice Krispie Treat in a Mug for One


4. Brownie in a Mug


5. Microwave Apple Crisp


6. Funfetti Mug Cake

Source: Budget Bytes


7. Single-Serve Chocolate Chip Cookie


8. Single-Serving Peach Crisp

Source: Wholefully


9. Peanut Butter Chocolate Mug Cake

Source: Budget Bytes


10. One Giant Sugar Cookie


11. Keto Mug Cheesecake


12. Hot Chocolate Mug Cake


13. Sweet Potato Banana Cake For One


14. One Giant Monster M&M Cookie


15. Skinny Chocolate Milkshake


Need Something Sweet at the End of the Day? Try These 15 Quick Dessert Recipes